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“I’ve attended two events within the last two months, and each event was excellent. First, it was clear that the events were thoughtfully and thoroughly prepared for in advance. Second, the events were affordable. Finally, the events were well done and meaningful experiences that deepened my soul’s journey in this life.”
~Montaine (Willow) B.
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Samhain Ceremony
NOV 1st 1-2:30pm PT. You are invited to join our Sophia Rising sisterhood, for this empowering ritual of healing with our ancestors. You will be guided on a shamanic healing journey to meet with your well ancestors, and to provide and receive healing with them. You will be changed!
Masterclass Recording
Rose & Moon

5 Keys to Reclaiming Your Divine Feminine Soul Care.

Learn the arts of soul-care that free you from the over-masculinizeded versions of over-efforting and self-sacrifice.

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